Because we believe our cause is important and we want to reach as many people as possible with our message, this magazine is free to download and free to share with friends on WhatsApp. Visit this website and download it for free every month to stay updated and learn about a wide range of topics relating to textile up-cycling.
Would YOU like to enjoy the convenience of having the magazine delivered directly to your e-mail box every month?
Subscribe for only $50USD a year and receive the magazine in your e-mail box on the 15th of the month along with a Bonus eBook. The Bonus eBooks are only available to our loyal subscribers as a special “Thank you!” for your support for our organization. Scroll to the bottom of this page to view past eBooks and explore past topics.
Members of the Group on Facebook select the topic in a poll for the magazine and eBooks every month. Look out for the polls in the Facebook Group if you would like to suggest a topic.
“I use the digital magazine for inspiration photos for my 3rd grade students. They get braver about trying things that are different when they see that a lot of adults experiment with putting things together in different ways.”
Amy R Hunter
How To Contribute
Do YOU have an idea for an article, project or addition to our magazine? Would you like to add a Member Feature to our next edition?
We would love to hear from you at
“Oh how exciting!
I’ve never been “published” or “featured” anywhere before!
I hope my story will encourage someone to step out, create, and bless others with their talent. Thank you for everything you are doing and allowing me to share my heart with others.”
Cyndee McGaughey
We have amazing opportunities to advertise in our magazine at very reasonable prices. Take anything from a few lines in the classified through to several pages for an advertising feature.
If you have any questions please get in touch at…
Past Editions

February 2025
In the February Love And Hearts edition of the magazine, we share a beautiful selection of up-cycled textile hearts, made by the members of the Up-Cycled Cloth Collective. It includes fabulous tutorials about creating embroidered hearts and three dimensional hearts.

June 2024
The June Yarn edition is jam packed with stunning yarn projects, made by our talented members. If you are looking for ideas for making items from up-cycled yarn, you will find plenty of inspiration in this edition.

May 2024
In this edition of the magazine we showcase stunning coats and jackets, made by the members of our community. See the beautiful pictures, read their inspiring stories and learn their top bag making tips.

October 2023
There is SO much talent showcased in this edition! Meet our members who are making truly remarkable products using up-cycled textile resources. Prepare to have you mind blown at the diversity of ideas in this edition.

September 2023
This edition of the magazine is jam packed with Member Features. Meet the inspiring members of the Up-Cycled Cloth Collective and view their beautiful projects. We also explain what you can expect when you subscribe to our exclusive online learning program.

January 2025
We received so many Unusual Creations from our members that we managed to squeeze out TWO editions with this topic. Explore more of the Unusual Creations made by the members of the Up-Cycled Cloth Collective in the January edition of One More Time Around.

July 2024
If you love beautiful dresses and skirts, you are going to love this edition of One More Time Around. See how our members are creating beautiful gowns and dresses using up-cycled resources.

April 2024
The April Bag Making edition is filled with the most beautiful bags that our members have made. Read the stories about the people who made the bags and their top bag making tips in this edition.

November 2023
In the Hand Stitched edition of our magazine you will find gorgeous projects by our members that were stitched by hand and information about different stitching techniques like embroidery, Boro and Sashiko.

August 2023
In this edition of our digital magazine you will meet some of our members who really love goats. If you are thinking about re-covering a lampshade, then you will enjoy the tips that we share in the Learn With Us section. We have also added a list of affiliated Groups that you might enjoy exploring.

December 2024
The December edition of One More Time Around is jam packed with fascinating stories about Unusual Creations made with up-cycled textiles. Download this digital magazine to read about ideas that you might not have thought of before.

August 2024
In this edition of the digital magazine we focus on tips for styling looks with up-cycled garments. Learn how to dress to blend in or how to dress to stand out.

March 2024
The March Rug Making edition of One More Time Around is jam packed from cover to cover with rugs made from up-cycled textile resources. There are twined rugs, hooked rugs and crochet rugs, and there is a tutorial for making T-shirt yarn.

December 2023
The December edition of One More Time Around is jam packed with projects made from denim. Meet our talented members who love to transform denim in so many inventive ways.

July 2023
Learn more about the co-creators of our documentary and find the whole list of Regional and City Groups.

November 2024
In the November Charities edition we explore different ways that up-cycled textiles support fundraising for charity organizations. Up-cycled and thrifted textiles and garments are the lifeblood of charities around the world. Download this edition of the magazine to read more about it.

October 2024
In the October Throw It All Together edition of the magazine we explore projects where our members have thrown together a bunch of up-cycled textile resources and made them work.

September 2024
In the September edition of One More Time Around, we look at different ways to source damaged items for up-cycling. The magazine includes a wonderful tutorial by Kim Thittichai and information about Fashion Revolution and the Transparency Index.

February 2024
In the Natural Fibers edition of One More Time Around, we explore the differences between manmade fibers and natural fibers and we look at the environmental impact and health benefits of different natural fibers that are used to make cloth.

January 2024
In the Lost Knowledge edition of One More Time Around, we explore tatting, smocking, bobbin lace making, darning, knit mending and nahlbinding. We learn more about the scarce skills that are on the endangered list around the world.

June 2023
The launch edition of our new look magazine with news about our participation in the Facebook Community Accelerator Program.
Bonus eBooks
These are the Bonus eBooks that subscribers have received in recent months along with their magazines. You can purchase them separately for $10.50 USD if you are interested in ones that you have missed before you subscribed.

Learn To Dye A Heart
In this eBook Melanie Brummer explains how to dye a heart on your stained or faded garments and fabrics.

Pricing Your Handmade Products
In this eBook we explore all of the factors that you need to consider when working out how much you should be charging for your products. The eBook includes a formula that you can use to work out how much you should be charging per hour for your time.

The Quilter's Crush
This eBook teaches you a very easy method for dyeing fabrics with crushed effects that are suitable for quilt making.

Floor Turtles
This eBook teaches you how to make a Floor Turtle that can be used for mopping up spills and splashes in the kitchen and bathroom. This eBook shows you step-by-step how the ones on the cover were made.

Top Tips For Making Aprons
In this eBook we explore different kinds of aprons, their purposes and their differences.

Mending Is Life Extending
In this eBook Melanie Brummer explores how mending can extend the lifespan of your garments, and your own lifespan.

Pockets ... Top Tips For Beginners
In this eBook we share some top tips for adding pockets to different kinds of garments.

Printing with found objects
This eBook will unlock a whole new way of seeing the world. Learn to view your ordinary world through extraordinary eyes. This eBook teaches you how to use random objects that you can find in your home to create stunning fabric prints.

Inspirational Colorways
Do YOU struggle with color combinations that work well together? This eBook explores different visual colorways so you can scroll through them to find the ones that move you for your own craft projects.

Tips For Dyeing Fabric In Your Washing Machine For Best Results
In this eBook Melanie Brummer shares some tips so you can improve your results when you dye fabrics in your washing machine.

Small, Portable Sewing Projects For Travel
In this eBook we explore ideas for sewing projects that are small and portable and suitable for taking with you on holiday or a trip to the hospital.

Natural Fibers
This eBook teaches you about the properties of natural fibers. It explores their environmental impact, health benefits and typical uses, as well as how to identify them if they do not have a label on.

101 Ideas For Up-Cycling Socks
This eBook shares a list of 101 ideas for up-cycling your old socks. Find uses for the old socks in the back of your sock drawer in this inspiring eBook.

Working With Bleach
This eBook explores different ways to use bleach to create decorative finishes on your dark colored fabrics. It includes a conversation about the best ways to neutralize the bleach before it eats holes in your fabrics.

Lino Block Printing On Fabric
In this eBook we explore an easy, direct method for creating designs on fabric. Learn how to carve your own stamps from your own designs. Learn how to improve your technique with carving and printing. This eBook will teach you how to go from design to printed cloth in a few easy steps.

Melanie's eBook Of Designs
This eBook shares 130 of Melanie’s tried-and-tested designs for lino printing. If you want to work with prints that you know will work well rather than try to come up with a design of your own, there is a wide selection in this eBook to choose from.